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Meet our Speaker: Ryan Rumsey

As part of our UXPA Boston’s monthly speaker series, we’re thrilled to have Ryan Rumsey as our April speaker.

His presentation, “It’s Time We Claim Our Collective Agency,” will provide designers with pragmatic ways to make business sense, challenge the status quo, and be the leader they want to work for.

Register for the event on Eventbrite.

It’s happening online on Thursday, April 20 · 6:30 – 8:30pm EDT. Attendance is free.


About the Presentation

There’s a gap. Can you see it?

We know we have valuable insights, yet we aren’t always heard in the ways we expect. We want to push for more human, societal, environmental, and communal value, but our colleagues lack some of the same enthusiasm or understanding. We fight hard for a seat at the table, but sitting there isn’t relieving our frustrations.

Changing how business decisions are made is the hardest problem for designers at all levels. To get there, we have to leave our comfort zones. We have to claim our agency as design leaders. This talk will provide pragmatic ways to make more business sense, challenge the status quo and be the leader you want to work for.


About our Speaker

Ryan Rumsey (he/him)

Ryan Rumsey is the author of Business Thinking for Designers, founder of Chief Design Officer School, and CEO of Second Wave Dive, a foundational community for the next generation of design leaders and executives.

For 20+ years, he worked as a designer and executive at Apple, Electronic Arts, USAA, Nestlé, and Comcast. Highlights include designing the first capitally funded Learning Management System at Apple, using CSS as a security measure, selling design systems before asking for buy-in, and building teams of incredibly talented and impactful designers, developers, researchers, PMs—humans.

He is a father, a husband, and an avid fan of Liverpool Football Club. His life experiences include working on a farm, acting in a Staind music video, and living in an eco-cohousing community.


Want to learn more about him?

Get a free copy of Business Thinking for Designers from InVision. The book discusses how to bring a business mind to design and transform your career and company. In the book, he shares the essential vocabulary and strategies to effectively communicate with your business partners, plus tools, tips, and frameworks that you can put right to work. The book is available as a free download in epub, pdf, and audiobook formats.

In this interview with InVision, he discusses the value of business thinking for designers and why it’s more important now than ever that designers bring a business mind to design.

You can also listen to “Anything But Design,” a podcast about weird, wonderful, and unexpected stories about designers that are anything but design. Host Ryan Rumsey welcomes different design leaders each week, and together, they talk about what they want to discuss. They take these conversations, mix them up, and see what happens each week.

Subscribe to the podcast, Anything But Design.